What makes food Sexy?
Many of us have inherited or developed thoughts on what sexy foods are: don't we all know that "oysters are aphrodisiacs" and that "chocolate turns women on"? Isn't the secret sauce to a romantic evening Champagne + strawberries? I have given this much thought. There are in my opinion not one, not two, but five reasons that make food a piece of Sexy deliciousness:
It is colorful and/or has a vibrant taste; it awakens the senses
It looks like a particular body part, sometimes it looks like genitalia
It can be eaten sensually, with the fingers (some sucking might be encouraged)
Its properties support sexual functions; as such, it is thought to have aphrodisiac properties
This one is my creation, as I believe it plays a critical role: It leaves us feeling clean and light in our body, particularly in our gut, which creates space and want for Sexy time (whether alone or with a special someone)
Some ingredients present two or more of these characteristics, giving them superpowers when it comes to awakening the Sexy.
The top Sexy foods
Here they are in all their glory. The foods that are proven to stir up and revive sexual urges:
Capsaicin, an active ingredient of chili peppers, increases blood flow and stimulates nerve endings; and we all know where some of our nerves end. Have you ever watched the movie Woman on Top? I won't spoil it for you, but there is a short yet defining scene in which the protagonists rub malagueta chilies onto each other's skin and lips. It's hot, pun intended.
The Aztecs named avocado trees "ahuacuatl", or "testicle tree", due to the fact that their fruit hung comfortably in pairs. Smooth, creamy, avocados keep us oiled up and lubricated and are an all-around sensual fruit.
Their Potassium provides intense contractions... which is what orgasms are.
Chocolate contains Phenyl-ethylamine (PEA), which also occurs naturally in the brain. PEA naturally reaches peak levels during orgasm. Administering PEA increases dopamine levels, stimulating the pleasure centers.
Figs are an extremely playful fruit. Soft as velvet on the outside with a luscious flesh and grainy texture on the inside, their look mimics that of female genitalia. They sure are fun to suck on!
Casanova, the 18th century lover, was known to eat 50 of them for breakfast. This fact alone was used to argue in favor of the controversial statement that oysters are aphrodisiacs. Let's consider this to be true, for the sole fact that they are rich in rare amino acids that trigger increased levels of sex hormones. The Zinc they contain potentially increases sex drive. Oh, and then there is the fact that they, too, look female genitalia with their soft, pillowy layers. Every single one of them is different, much like us women are.
This fruit was regaled as a culinary symbol of Aphrodite by the ancient Greeks. Some say the forbidden fruit of the Bible was not an apple but a pomegranate. I believe it, pomegranates are so much sexier than apples! In addition to bursting sweet-tart juice into our mouth, the crimson kernels improve blood flow and genital sensitivity.
Its citrulline relaxes the blood vessels, and increases blood flow and sexual stamina.
Shaped like nipples, juicy and studded with tiny seeds, strawberries are perfect symbols of fertility. They can be eaten in the most playful way, by locking lips around their tip. I don't know about you, but it sure sounds sexy to me.
These much anticipated pods (they are very challenging to grow) produce amorous feelings and increase epinephrine, a neurotransmitter that elevates when we are excited.
Its heat and peppery taste playfully pinches the tongue and tickles the taste buds. Ginger also gets the blood flowing.
Another one that increases blood flow. But really, its power might lie in how it facilitates relaxation and releases inhibitions.
Fresh, crisp, its tiny bubbles delight the tongue and the body into an advanced state of well-being. Thanks to a rather low alcohol content, it will not "provoke the desire, but take away the performance", to paraphrase the Porter in Shakespeare's Macbeth.
I voted asparagus off the Sexy Food Island. Despite its phallic shape which encourages eating it with the hands and is favorable to some definite sucking, how it affects the smell of body's "output" is, let's be honest, a complete turn-off.
I wonder: will combining several of these ingredients in one meal multiply their effect? I think yes. Let me guide you into treating yourself and/or your special someone to One Sexy Feast.
NEXT: One Sexy Feast
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Featured Media
MOVIE: Food and Love nourish the Soul - Woman on Top
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BOOK: Intercourses - Martha Hopkins & Randall Lockridge