Adore your Body

Confronted with, and slightly overwhelmed by, this wide and large topic, I consulted with Body Image Coach and Founder of Any Shape or Form, Andrea Koehler:

"We all have bodies. Biology has given each of us a body (a “rental vehicle” for this life). They are different shapes and sizes, different frames and musculature. They are a result of the combination of our DNA. And they are beautiful.

Our bodies, however, do not represent or contain our worth as humans. But they are, in Any Shape or Form, worthy of unconditional love. This means, simply, love the one you’ve got. Give it the love and the care that it needs to support you. And don’t waste time wishing you had someone else’s “rental vehicle”.

Loving your body means that you seek for its health, for its improvement, for its support, and for its celebration. Society has always created ‘norms’ for people to ‘fit into’. But today, in the world of mass consumption and social media, those ‘norms’ are harder to escape. It is too easy to fall into the “If only ____” regimen and find reinforcement for all of your “If onlys”. If only my thighs weren’t so big, then I’d wear a skirt. If only my calves weren’t so huge, then I could find boots that fit them. If only that mole wasn’t there, then I would wear a bikini. And these are just a few of my former “If onlys”. These translate deeper into how we allow ourselves to be celebrated and how we celebrate our bodies. 

Not feeling good in your body leads to feeling that our bodies, and therefore we, are not worth dressing up, not worth adorning. This manifests itself in many ways, including dressing down, not wearing jewelry, wanting to hide in clothes that don’t flatter the body you have – for me it was hiding in jeans, exercise clothing and hoodies."

Andrea's Tips to achieve major body adoration: 

  • Examine your “If Onlys” - Here it is, in all its glory – the thing(s) about our body that we focus on which keep us from doing what we want.  If only my nose were smaller. If only I didn’t have to wear glasses. If only my hair were thicker. If only my thighs were smaller.  What are your “if onlys” and how have they kept you from celebrating your body?
  •  What makes you feel beautiful?  - Ask yourself, honestly, "what makes me feel beautiful?" Is it wearing heels, putting on lipstick, wearing lacy underwear under my jeans and t-shirt attire?  What puts a smile on your face?  Do more of that!

Beyond Naked - the movie

I, Cecile, recently attended the Premiere of Beyond Naked, a documentary relating what happens when four first-timers accept a challenge to ride naked in Seattle's legendary Solstice Parade. It is self-described as a "feature-length documentary [which] explores our deep-rooted fear and awkward fascination with nakedness through the lens of one of Seattle's most popular traditions."

Beyond Naked is a lighthearted, feature-length documentary that explores what happens when four first-timers accept a challenge to ride naked on bicycles in Seattle's legendary Fremont Solstice Parade.

My good friend and fellow Health Coach Molly Meggyesy is one of the four first-timers featured in this movie. I cannot stress enough the honesty and courage she displayed in taking over her doubts and fears, and defiantly riding her bike butt-naked into the sunset.

We are BeYOUtiful People

"There is a power that comes from being truly confident and body positive and from taking a stand to say, “I love exactly who I am”." - Naomi Slater
​Naomi Slater

​Naomi Slater

Beautiful and fierce superwoman Naomi Slater launched a project near and dear to her heart. Her history and experience are, to say the least, crazy inspiring. In her own words:

"Growing up as a larger girl, I was acutely aware that I did not fit into the standard definition of beauty. Interestingly enough though, I was never teased, never picked on, always had a date for the dances, and had higher self-confidence than any of my friends. My parents and friends would comment that even though I wasn't a slender, petite, graceful girl, I flaunted my body and loved the skin I was in. At the age of 20, I was weighing in at 300lbs but still rocked a bikini on the beach and knew I was a beautiful young woman. I often wondered why I was so confident and why other people couldn't see how truly beautiful and incredible they were. After losing 100lbs, I started getting a lot more attention for my body and for my appearance, but I still felt as positive about myself as I always had. I realized that there are so many people who live their entire lives without the confidence and body love that I had grown up with. As an adult, I now realize that my adolescent experience was unusual and truly shaped my self-image and body positivity that I carry with me to this day.

BeYOUtiful People has been percolating for the past several years, spurred by questions of "How does someone increase their confidence?", "Why don't people love themselves?", and most importantly "What would the world look like if everyone loved exactly who they are?" Realizing that there wasn't a way for real people to take a stand for self-confidence, I created a way for everyone to not only empower themselves but also inspire all who witness it. There is an incredible power that comes from embracing your body exactly as it is; taking ownership of something that has plagued your self-confidence creates space to live without self-doubt. BeYOUtiful People is about celebration, choosing to love every bit of who you are, and giving yourself the freedom to live life with confidence."

Naomi's BeYOUtiful People is a movement for all people to take ownership of their bodies and take a stand for loving exactly who they are. It will allow all people, everyday people, neighbors, friends, teachers, co-workers, family, and strangers to turn something they’ve been hiding, into something they are celebrating simply by a change of attitude. This will be accomplished through a visual campaign focused on turning a “flaw” into a “flaunt”, inspiring people to take a stand to do the same for themselves.

Leading by example, Naomi was her first participant with her statements “Love handles are soft and sexy” and "I love my broad shoulders".

The photos taken of participants with their declarations will be shown through an interactive website (currently under construction; like Be-You-tiful on Facebook in the meantime) as well as through a public event to truly allow people to be inspired, moved, and motivated to do the same.

I was all too happy to contribute to Naomi's movement by having her take a picture of me and my so called "flaw". Was there fear associated with the experience? Absolutely.

But the drama I had associated with my "flaw" since childhood seemed to melt away the minute I put it out there in the public eye. 

​Photo Credit - Naomi Slater

​Photo Credit - Naomi Slater

Every single person I have ever met did not like something about their body or physical appearance, including the people who are deemed extremely attractive. Every single one of us has fears, doubts and shame associated with something that has to do with our body. I am not alone. You are not alone. We are in this together.

It is time to let go, remove that obstacle and not let it hold us back any longer.

Can you think of a particular "flaw" that has been plaguing you with insecurity? Are you ready to "flaunt" it and post a picture on the BeYOUtiful Facebook wall?

And if you are not, can you look at your "flaw" and be present to the fact that it is not one? Can you look at it and love it, really?

Why? Because it makes you, YOU.



Challenge Progress


Featured Media

MOVIE: If they can do it, so can you #power - Beyond Naked

Beyond Naked is a lighthearted, feature-length documentary that explores what happens when four first-timers accept a challenge to ride naked on bicycles in Seattle's legendary Fremont Solstice Parade.

MUSIC: Really listen. Do you believe the message? - Beautiful - Christina Aguilera

Music video by Christina Aguilera performing Beautiful. (C) 2004 BMG
