2-month Sensuality coaching program


2-month Sensuality coaching program


2-month (4 sessions) Sensuality coaching program to awaken your sensual and sexual self and send you on the pursuit of pleasure.

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2-month Sensuality Coaching Program to awaken your sensual and sexual self and send you on the pursuit of pleasure and connection.


This personalized Program will span across 4 x 1-hour sessions to take place every other week for 2 months. Time in between each session is to be used to complete the assignments.

Each session will be structured as follows:

  1. Check-in
  2. Follow-up on previous week's assignment
  3. Focus of the week: introduction of concepts and distinctions, live exercises, discussion
  4. Assignments for next session

Focus and coverage.

  1. Body image & self-love - to involve (but not limited to) deep digging, journaling, challenges, rewiring of thoughts, mantras...
    1. Identify and eliminate limiting believes / rewire automatic thoughts
    2. Define beauty
    3. Debunk: "flaws" vs. flaunts
    4. Explore, adore and adorn
  2. The Sensory Diet - to involve (but not limited to) questionnaires, exercises in mindfulness, vision boarding, experiential/ritual design, feng shui/de-cluttering, journaling, collecting...
    1. Define and feed your 2 most prominent senses
    2. Learn to titillate and awaken your other senses
  3. Turn on your Sexy - to involve (but not limited to) questionnaires, sexploration, challenges, exercises in presence and acceptance
    1. Harness the power of seduction
    2. Connect and be with
    3. Learn to turn yourself on
    4. Sex yourself up
    5. Maximize pleasure and achieve orgasms

Your curriculum will be fully customized and shared with you prior to session 1.

Included in your Program:

  • Two 1-hour sessions per month, 4 total
  • A personalized Sensuality plan tailored to your particular concerns and goals; including behavioral, lifestyle, sensory and sexual guidelines
  • Notes and assignments after each session
  • Ongoing email support during the program
  • Handouts and materials
  • Welcome goodies

Email me with questions about this program.