2-month Sensuality coaching program
2-month Sensuality coaching program
2-month (4 sessions) Sensuality coaching program to awaken your sensual and sexual self and send you on the pursuit of pleasure.
2-month Sensuality Coaching Program to awaken your sensual and sexual self and send you on the pursuit of pleasure and connection.
This personalized Program will span across 4 x 1-hour sessions to take place every other week for 2 months. Time in between each session is to be used to complete the assignments.
Each session will be structured as follows:
- Check-in
- Follow-up on previous week's assignment
- Focus of the week: introduction of concepts and distinctions, live exercises, discussion
- Assignments for next session
Focus and coverage.
- Body image & self-love - to involve (but not limited to) deep digging, journaling, challenges, rewiring of thoughts, mantras...
- Identify and eliminate limiting believes / rewire automatic thoughts
- Define beauty
- Debunk: "flaws" vs. flaunts
- Explore, adore and adorn
- The Sensory Diet - to involve (but not limited to) questionnaires, exercises in mindfulness, vision boarding, experiential/ritual design, feng shui/de-cluttering, journaling, collecting...
- Define and feed your 2 most prominent senses
- Learn to titillate and awaken your other senses
- Turn on your Sexy - to involve (but not limited to) questionnaires, sexploration, challenges, exercises in presence and acceptance
- Harness the power of seduction
- Connect and be with
- Learn to turn yourself on
- Sex yourself up
- Maximize pleasure and achieve orgasms
Your curriculum will be fully customized and shared with you prior to session 1.
Included in your Program:
- Two 1-hour sessions per month, 4 total
- A personalized Sensuality plan tailored to your particular concerns and goals; including behavioral, lifestyle, sensory and sexual guidelines
- Notes and assignments after each session
- Ongoing email support during the program
- Handouts and materials
- Welcome goodies
Email me with questions about this program.