A custom program to revive the self-love

and awaken your sensual and sexual self

that will send you on a quest for pleasure.

My approach

Over the course of your program, I will guide you through the ultimate exploration of yourself via any or all of these modules: Body Image, Self-Love, The Sensory Diet and Turn on your Sexy.

Working with me, you will:

  1. Define and strengthen your relationship to self, others, the world
  2. Debunk limiting believes and unconscious patterns
  3. Boost your confidence, self-reliability and intuition
  4. Adopt pleasure as a philosophy of life
  5. Titillate and feed your senses in innovative, experimental ways
  6. Open yourself to true sexual intimacy
  7. Unleash your seductive power unto the world

Your curriculum will be fully customized and may include the following techniques:

I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I always knew the woman I wanted to be.
— Diane Von Furstenberg
  • Deep conversations
  • Precision questioning
  • Journaling
  • Re-framing
  • Cognitive behavior exercises
  • Releasing
  • Meditations and mantras
  • Challenges and dares
  • Desire Mapping
  • Vision boarding

All with great humor, a touch of sarcasm and a pinch of shock therapy.

Your 2 to 6-month Program


  • Two 1-hour sessions per month, every other week
  • Two 15-min catch-up calls per month, in the weeks in between
  • A personalized plan tailored to your concerns and goals
  • Notes and assignments after each session
  • Ongoing email support during the program
  • Handouts and materials
  • Welcome goodies

Price: $400 / month

Disclaimer: Prepare for aHAs and Hallelujahs. Also, you may get hooked on life juice.